Our Mission
Connecting Believers: Matthew 22:36-39 NIV
A Church where people connect to Christ and each other.
• A body of believers who meets in a variety of settings, gatherings, connections, and small groups for fellowship, and understanding his Word.
• A body of believers that is teachable.
• A body of believers that recognizes our addiction to sin, and doesn’t attempt to hide our mistakes.
• A church that is Authentic and real with their situation in life.
Seeking the Lost: Luke 19:10 NIV
A church that actively seeks a deeper relationship with God and the lost.
• A body of believers that is willing to do whatever it takes to win the lost (Matthew 11:12 NIV), and then once they come in we want to celebrate their homecoming.
• A body of believers that is not afraid of taking risks, failing, and trying again.
• A body of believers that strives to love everyone, making them feel welcome no matter their status, race, gender, etc.
• A body of believers that fights hypocrisy by living openly in front of our neighbors, and brothers and sisters in Christ.
• A body of believers that is willing to share our weaknesses in order to bring Christ Glory.
Serving our Community around us: Luke 17:10 NIV
A church that serves God by serving the community around them.
• A body of believers that recognizes Christ service to us, and is willing to lay down their lives for those around them in service.
• A body of believers that seeks out opportunities to take the light of Christ into the community around us through acts of service, both random and planned.
• A body of believers that donates our time and energy for our community schools, and neighbors.